Emsculpt: Non-Surgical Body Contouring in Chicago, IL

Have you ever wished that you could slim down and tone your muscles all in one treatment? You can! 

At Dundee Dermatology in Chicago, IL, you can get rid of stubborn fat and build muscle mass at the same time with Emsculpt, one of our most popular non-surgical body contouring treatments. 

Learn more about what Emsculpt can do for your physique.

What Is Non-Surgical Body Contouring?

Emsculpt sessions are non-invasive, non-surgical body contouring treatments that help you sculpt and slim your figure without going under anesthesia. 

Body contouring procedures enhance your natural curves and overall shape. Emsculpt does this by quickly building muscle mass that slims and sculpts your figure. 

How Emsculpt Works

The Emsculpt device uses high-intensity electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to sculpt your muscles. It can also burn stubborn fat by working deep muscles under your skin. 

HIFEM energy stimulates powerful muscle contractions. It induces stronger and more frequent contractions than you could experience through normal exercise alone. 

As we glide the Emsculpt device over the areas of treatment, you will feel thousands of muscle contractions working to sculpt, slim, and tone your body. 

Emsculpt stimulates about 20,000 muscle contractions in one session, which is far more than your muscles could accomplish on their own. As a result, you can expect to see a more defined figure more quickly than you could from exercise. 

Once your muscles have contracted, they must rebuild torn fibers to strengthen the areas of treatment. This is when body contouring really takes place — after your Emsculpt sessions. As your body repairs your muscles, you gain muscle tone and mass quickly. 

Areas of Treatment

We can use the Emsculpt device in several areas to deliver the results that you want. 

Emsculpt treatments can be performed on the following body areas:

  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Arms
  • Calves

Many of our patients wish to sculpt and tone these areas. With Emsculpt, you can now achieve your goals with a little less heavy breathing and sweating at the gym!

The Advantages of Using Emsculpt to Build Your Body

We all know that the gym is the place where most people build their dream bodies. While working out is a fantastic way to enhance your physique, it doesn’t always deliver the exact results that you want. 

Targeted Body Sculpting

Emsculpt allows us to target specific body areas that you want to sculpt through muscle toning. For example, suppose that you are happy with the definition in your upper arms but want to sculpt and lift your buttocks. In that case, we can treat just your buttocks with the Emsculpt device. 

Your buttocks will undergo thousands of muscle contractions in one 30-minute session, which will leave them shapelier and firmer once your muscle fibers repair themselves. 

Faster Body Contouring Progress 

It could take months or years to see optimal results in the gym — if you ever see them at all. Emsculpt harnesses the power of HIFEM technology to rapidly tone and slim different areas of your body. 

Most patients need several sessions of Emsculpt to achieve the results that they desire. During your individualized consultation, we will come up with a treatment plan that works for you. 

After a few months, you should start to see results in the areas that we have treated with Emsculpt. 

Low-Energy Sessions

Unlike the gym, Emsculpt sessions do not require you to sweat or exert yourself. 

You will lie down on a comfortable table while we move the Emsculpt device over your body. Some patients find these appointments relaxing. 

If you do not have the time or energy to commit to heavy gym sessions, supplement your workout routine with Emsculpt. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy your 30-minute Emsculpt session!

Convenient Appointments with No Downtime 

Emsculpt sessions usually take about half an hour to complete. After your treatment is over, there is no downtime required. 

You are free to return to your daily tasks without restrictions after your Emsculpt appointment. This convenience makes Emsculpt one of our most popular non-surgical body contouring treatments. 

Comfortable Treatments

During your Emsculpt treatments, you will feel your muscles contracting like they would during a workout. Most patients find these sessions tolerable and quite comfortable. 

Unlike surgical procedures, Emsculpt non-surgical body contouring sessions keep you relaxed and at ease. There is no anesthesia or invasive tools required to carry out these treatments. 

Who Should Get Emsculpt Treatments?

While Emsculpt treatments do not replace a regular workout routine, they can enhance your results. If you frequently work out for strength training and fat burning, Emsculpt will produce favorable results. 

There are very few restrictions on who can get Emsculpt body contouring treatments. This inclusiveness is part of the reason Emsculpt is so popular!

You should be close to your goal weight, as Emsculpt does not get rid of large amounts of body fat. Once you are around the body composition you want, we welcome you to try Emsculpt to enhance your muscle tone. 

Pregnant patients should consult their primary care physicians before undergoing Emsculpt sessions. This treatment may not be suitable during pregnancy. 

Both men and women can benefit from the muscle-strengthening effects of Emsculpt. Achieve a more defined figure with Emsculpt body contouring treatments!

Schedule an Appointment for Body Contouring in Chicago, IL

If you want to build muscle strength and tone, come to Dundee Dermatology in Chicago, IL. We offer quiet, relaxing Emsculpt sessions to sculpt your figure and help you achieve your dream physique. 

Book an appointment with us today to get started with Emsculpt!