How are Mohs Surgery and Skin Cancer Related?

Mohs surgery is extremely effective in eliminating skin cancer. It is often recommended for skin lesions that have been present for an extended period of time. It is also beneficial for recurring skin growths. Mohs surgery is most often used for squamous cell skin cancer. Surgeons typically recommend it for skin cancer on the face, head, or neck. The main goal is to save as much tissue as possible and eliminate all traces of cancerous cells during the procedure.

How Does Mohs Surgery Work?

When our doctor recommends Mohs surgery, we will begin by numbing the area. The top layer of cancerous cells will be removed and sent to the lap on site. The process will continue one layer at a time. Our surgeon will continue to go down farther and farther until there are no skin cancer cells detected. You may need plastic surgery to close the wound after your procedure. However, you can have peace of mind knowing the cancer is gone.

Is Mohs Surgery Right for You?

One of the best ways to determine if you need Mohs is to consider where your skin lesions are and the condition of your growths. If you have a lesion on your face or scalp that won’t heal, bleeds, and looks irregular, talk to our doctor about it. Mohs may be the best way to make sure you remove all the cancer at one time. Mohs could be the best option for you if you have already had a growth removed only to see it reappear. You want to take care of skin cancer removal as efficiently as possible. Otherwise, it could spread and be more dangerous for your health.

Find Out How Mohs Surgery Could Help You

Don’t play a guessing game when you have skin cancer. If you have a growth that has been on your face, scalp, or neck for a long period of time, get it evaluated. It may be cancerous. Pay attention to changes in your skin. Irregularities could be a concern. To learn more, we invite you to make an appointment with Dundee Dermatology. At our convenient location in West Dundee, our caring and devoted team of professionals will be happy to answer any questions you may have about Mohs surgery. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to speaking with you!