Your trusted skin health professionals.

As dermatologists in Elgin who have served the region for decades, Dundee Dermatology is a patient-first practice.

We approach every patient’s skin individually, finding solutions by being keen listeners and direct communicators. Our physicians enjoy solving problems through our medical and cosmetic dermatology services that address health and appearance concerns that yield transformative results.

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Video Callout

The description of your component goes here, or any notes you might have about it.

Label Name Type Notes
Content tab
Top Spacing video_callout_top_spacing select (Clone of Utility : Spacing Option)
Bottom Spacing video_callout_bottom_spacing select (Clone of Utility : Spacing Option)
Content video_callout_content wysiwyg
Media tab
Loop URL video_callout_loop_url text
Popup URL video_callout_popup_url text
Image video_callout_image_id image (Clone of Utility : Image)
Image Focus Point video_callout_image_focus_point button_group (Clone of Utility : Image)
Image Fit video_callout_image_fit select (Clone of Utility : Image)
Lazy Load video_callout_image_loading true_false (Clone of Utility : Image)

Wysiwyg content in the card on the left. You can edit this from the Content tab. In the Media tab, you can add your looping video and popup video URL. Please make sure to add a background image incase the video doesn’t load or for mobile screens.

When scrolling into this component the card will fade in from the left, and the video and blue box will fade up and in from the right