Losing control of your bladder or developing leakage issues can be very embarrassing and upsetting. At Dundee Dermatology in West Dundee, Illinois, we can use a treatment called Emsella to strengthen your pelvic muscles and improve your bladder control. If you live in Elgin, South Elgin, St. Charles, Algonquin, Carpentersville, West Dundee, Lake in the Hills, Huntley, or Geneva, come see us to get the treatment (and relief) you need!
Does Emsella Really Work? 6 Things to Expect
1. You’ll Love the Results
There are a number of different reasons why you might be struggling to control your bladder. If you have stress urinary incontinence, you will experience leaks and accidents when you are straining your body or coughing. It’s common to develop this type of incontinence after pregnancy weakens the muscles in your pelvic floor. In addition, the muscles in this part of your body may change as you get older or go through menopause.
Emsella can be a wonderful way to fix this type of urinary issue. During your treatments, you will sit on a special device that will use electromagnetic energy to strengthen the muscles that are causing your urinary challenges. This treatment really works, and you are likely to see dramatic improvements in your accidents and leaking issues after you finish your treatment plan.
2. You’ll Have an Initial Consultation
Before you receive your first treatment, you’ll need to have an initial consultation at our office in West Dundee. Although this treatment is very good at fixing urinary problems that are caused by weakened pelvic floor muscles, this technique cannot treat every type of incontinence.
Discussing Your Urinary Issues
During our meeting, we will talk about your urinary issues. At this point, you should be prepared to tell us about the type of accidents and leaking issues that you are experiencing. We will also need to go over your medical background.
Determining Your Eligibility
We will use this information to determine whether you can benefit from using this incontinence treatment. You need to understand that some medical procedures and health issues can prevent you from using this treatment.
For example, you might not be able to use this treatment if you started to experience incontinence problems after you received radiation therapy. Further, you cannot use this treatment if you have a pacemaker or other implanted metal device in your body.
3. You’ll Receive Non-Invasive Treatments
You don’t have to use anesthesia or receive incisions in order to regain control of your bladder. This treatment is completely non-invasive. In fact, you’ll be able to remain fully dressed during all of your appointments.
You will begin your treatment by sitting on our Emsella device. Once you are sitting down, this device will send electromagnetic energy into the muscles in your pelvic floor. As your muscles are contracting, you will feel a gentle tingling sensation. This feeling will be very comfortable, and you won’t need to use anesthesia or take medication during your treatment sessions.
4. You Won’t Have Any Downtime
This treatment doesn’t require you to take a break from your job or make any other adjustments to your usual routine. Once we have finished strengthening your pelvic muscles, you will be able to get up and leave our office. You can go to your workplace, run errands, or return to your home.
5. You May Need Multiple Treatments
Although your bladder control may improve after you get one Emsella treatment, it’s common to receive multiple sessions. In general, you are likely to receive six treatments. You’ll need to wait for a complete of days between each incontinence treatment.
Receiving Maintenance Sessions
You may also benefit from getting routine maintenance sessions. We can tell you more about these maintenance treatments after you have completed your initial treatment plan.
Achieving Improvements
This treatment works very quickly, and you should see some improvement in your bladder control after you get your first treatment. As you continue to receive additional sessions, your leakage, accidents, and other urinary problems should gradually decrease.
6. Your Quality of Life Will Improve
Dealing with urinary incontinence can decrease your happiness and self-confidence. Your fear of developing leaks or having accidents may prevent you from attending parties or enjoying other social events with your friends and family members. In addition, you might turn down work opportunities that require you to spend large amounts of time away from your home.
Regaining control of your bladder can improve your social life and allow you to accept new challenges at your job. This improvement is likely to make you happier and more confident. In fact, during clinical studies, 95% of people said that their qualify of life improved after they used this incontinence treatment.
Schedule a Consultation
Receiving an Emsella treatment is an ideal way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and regain control of your bladder. Improving your urinary incontinence will allow you to feel relaxed when you are attending social events, running errands, or doing other activities outside of your home. To learn more about the benefits of receiving this treatment, contact us at Dundee Dermatology in West Dundee, Illinois.