Getting a Chemical Peel in Chicago

Living in the Windy City certainly has many advantages. However, many Chicago residents find that wind, cold temperatures, and pollution take a significant toll on their skin. If your skin looks a bit worse for the wear but you would like to avoid surgery, treatment with a chemical peel can help. At Dundee Dermatology, we are proud to provide this rejuvenating treatment to our patients and encourage you to learn more about how it can benefit you!

What is a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peel treatments are medical-grade solutions that are applied to the skin to gently remove the outer layer and expose a newer healthier layer underneath. Through this type of safe and controlled damage, we are encouraging your body to replace damaged skin tissue with newer skin that displays fewer problems like uneven pigmentation, sun damage, wrinkles, and scars. Here at Dundee Dermatology, we offer two kinds of peel – light and medium – each of which delivers its own degree of intensity and has its own length of recovery time.

How Does the Process Work?

At our Chicago clinic, our aesthetician first cleanses the patient’s face to clear away any dirt and/or makeup. At this point, the specially formulated chemical serum is applied to the patient’s face and then removed. The entire session should take no longer than half an hour to perform. Recovery time will differ from peel to peel and person to person.

Your Consultation

To learn more about how a chemical peel can help you, feel free to reach out and make an appointment with Dundee Dermatology! At our convenient location in West Dundee, IL by Chicago, our devoted staff of friendly professionals will be eager to elucidate this treatment in detail, answer any questions you may have, and help you determine which route would be best for you. Contact us today to set up your consultation –