Changes in your appearance are a natural part of the aging process, but you don’t have to be happy about them. More importantly, you don’t have to live with them. Lines and wrinkles can make you look older and less energetic than you truly are. At Dundee Dermatology in West Dundee, IL, we offer a simple, effective anti-aging solution: Restylane Lyft. Here’s what you need to know about this revolutionary anti-aging injectable.
What Is Restylane Lyft Used for?
Restylane Lyft is primarily used to augment the cheeks, chin, and temples. However, there are several other applications, including the elimination of lines and wrinkles caused by volume loss. Additionally, it can be used to restore volume to the backs of the hands. It is the only dermal filler to earn FDA approval for this common area of volume loss.
Why Volume Loss Occurs
There are several reasons why you may notice volume loss. For example, you may notice volume loss if you smoke. Cigarettes contain a chemical compound called nicotine that weakens the foundational structure of your skin, causing it to sag and thin.
Volume loss may also occur due to the cumulative effects of years of sun damage. Additionally, if you’re in your 30s or 40s, you should keep in mind you may have lost volume due to the natural aging process.
Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic acid is simultaneously the cause of and solution to your cosmetic concerns. Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide that keeps your skin looking young and healthy. When you were young, your skin was healthy, tight, and firm because your body was producing sufficient quantities of hyaluronic acid. Some of the benefits of this polysaccharide include moisture retention and elasticity.
Other essential supportive chemical compounds include collagen (proteins) and elastin (fibers). As with hyaluronic acid, your body produced an adequate amount of these supportive structures in your youth. However, the production rates of those essential components decrease as the years fly by.
The Aging Process
As you age, your skin produces less hyaluronic acid. Since hyaluronic acid is essential for moisture retention and elasticity, over time, you will notice significant volume loss. Sometimes this volume loss causes lines, wrinkles, and folds. However, it is also possible for the localized volume loss to make you look ill, frail, and years older than you actually are.
How Does Lyft Work?
Restylane Lyft works through the injection of hyaluronic acid into strategic locations. Recall, a lack of hyaluronic acid is the cause of such signs of volume loss as lines, wrinkles, folds, and hollowness. When this critical polysaccharide is injected into several key points, localized volume is restored, your skin becomes more elastic, and hydration returns to the treatment area.
The injectable gel immediately attracts and binds to an incredible amount of water in the treatment areas. This minimizes lines and wrinkles before you even leave our office. However, you should be aware it takes between 10 and 14 days for the dermal filler to spread and settle deeply into your skin. Therefore, you should expect your results to continue to improve. The final results last many months.
What to Expect Before Your Treatment
Before your injection session is scheduled, we need you to attend an initial consultation so we can get to know you. To determine whether you qualify for this treatment, we need to evaluate your problem areas, diagnose the cause of your cosmetic concerns, discuss your aesthetic goals, and gain a thorough understanding of your health. If you are a good candidate for this treatment, we will provide you with a complete list of preparation instructions.
One of the most important things you must do to prepare for this non-invasive treatment is wearing adequate sun protection during the two weeks leading up to your scheduled session. This mitigates the risk of sunburn. Additionally, you may need to take other steps to prevent skin irritation at the time of your appointment, such as applying preventative acne medication.
What Else Do I Need to Do to Prepare?
Besides taking steps to mitigate the risk of skin irritation, there are several preparation steps you must take. For example, you must mitigate your risk of bruising at the injection site by refraining from taking blood thinners and similar medications for three days before your scheduled appointment.
It is also important that your blood pressure is within a normal range at the time of your treatment. To ensure your blood pressure is normal, you should minimize your consumption of sodium and caffeine while avoiding alcohol and tobacco products completely. If your blood pressure is usually high, eat a little extra potassium.
Learn More Today
Restylane Lyft is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler that is used to reverse the signs of aging caused by volume loss. To learn more, contact us today at Dundee Dermatology in West Dundee, IL to schedule your initial consultation. We are also proud to help the residents of surrounding communities, such as Lake in the Hills, Huntley, Geneva, and Carpentersville, achieve their aesthetic goals. We are also located just a short drive from St Charles, Algonquin, South Elgin, and Elgin.