Beauty is universally perceived to be skin deep, and the use of injectable fillers is one way in which beauty is enhanced. These soft tissue fillers are incorporated into the skin to help eliminate wrinkles in the face, thus showcasing a smoother appearance.
How it works
Just as the name suggests, injectable fillers are administered into the skin through injection to certain areas around the face. The fillers work to improve the skin appearance through contouring jaw lines, eliminating wrinkles, improving scars as well as enhancing cheeks.
The materials involved
There are natural fillers and synthetic fillers. The bottom line is that they both work to improve the appearance of the skin in a number of ways. Sugar molecules containing collagen from animals or ones that are artificially generated from labs form the ingredients of injectable fillers.
Types of injectable fillers
There are various types of injectable fillers: Restylane®, JUVÉDERM®, JUVÉDERM Voluma®, Perlane®, RADIESSE® and Sculptra®. They have various uses ranging from the contouring of the lip, to wrinkle removal and scar enhancement. A professional is best suited to select one that might have the best result for the patient.
Benefits of injectable fillers
For the purpose of obtaining or achieving a more youthful look at a lower price, the use of injectable fillers for wrinkles can be a great choice. It takes a relatively shorter time to achieve this and the results extend from six months up to a year.
Are there any risks?
The minimal disadvantages of an injectable filler process usually include bruising. This will go away in a few days so it should not cause you any worry. Some patients may experience mild allergic reactions, but a specialist will examine you and advise you accordingly.
Choosing a surgeon
The process of selecting a surgeon for your injectable filler procedure is very important. This procedure should be treated with the same weight as any other medical procedure to avoid any flaws. Ensure that the expert you select is experienced in surgery and is well versed in facial anatomy. This will go a long way in helping you to get the desired results in the shortest time possible.
For detailed assistance on injectable fillers, Dundee Dermatology is here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for any cosmetic assistance.